On the pathway to Eurasian partnership - Programme - St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum
Panel Discussion

On the pathway to Eurasian partnership

10:00 — 11:30
General Staff Building 6/8 Palace sq., St. Petersburg

The global pandemic and political processes of recent years have caused a breakdown in traditional ties between museums in many countries and regions. They also gave impetus to discovering the new formats and areas for museum collaborations. One of the focus areas for accelerated cooperation is the Eurasian continent, where ties are strengthening within individual countries, at international and interregional levels. The panel discussion will examine cases of successful partnerships that contribute to solving a variety of museum concerns and represent all aspects of museum activities, from joint exhibitions to long-term exchange programs. Its participants will talk about interaction with educational institutions, businesses and public organizations, as well as innovative formats, such as digital projects, virtual exhibitions, and joint educational programs. The experts will identify the problems and challenges that museums face when establishing partnerships, along with methods of overcoming them.

Moderator: Vasily Pankratov, Director of Gatchina Palace and Estate Museum, President of ICOM Russia.


  1. Hayk Mkrtchyan, President of the National Committee of ICOM Armenia (Armenia);
  2. Nasir Al Darmaki, Chairman of the National Committee of ICOM (UAE);
  3. Ambika Bipin Patel, Chairman of ICOM India (India);
  4. Sirin Yuanyaydi, Director of the Kanjanaphisek National Museum, Department of Fine Arts, Ministry of Culture (Thailand);
  5. Aida Alymova, President of the ICOM Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyzstan);
  6. Zahida Quadri, Archaeologist and Museologist of the Sindh Government, ICOM Pakistan (Pakistan);
  7. Aibek Sydykov, Director of the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan).