St. Petersburg International United Cultures Forum




Tatyana Golikova: X St. Petersburg International United Cultures Forum will be held from September 11 to 14
A meeting of the Organizing Committee for the preparation and holding of the X St. Petersburg International United Cultures Forum was held at the Government House of the Russian Federation.
The Forum in Saint Petersburg Brought Together Cultures of Every Continent
In three days of this momentous assembly, 32 business program activities took place across the Forum venues and 23 agreements were ratified.
The main results of the Forum of United Cultures
Declaration of the Ninth St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum — Forum of United Cultures.
“Besogon and Culture”: Nikita Mikhalkov to Hold a Thematic Meeting with Participants of the United Cultures Forum
The conversation will center around various aspects of the choice of moral and ethical guidelines which is fundamental for any society.
A Public Concert on Palace Square to Open the Cultural Programme of the United Cultures Forum
On November 16, on Palace Square, "Zivert", "The Hatters" and "Dabro" will charge the audience with gusto and vibes of positivity.
70 days till the St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum: the meeting of the organizing committee of the main cultural event of the year was held at the Government House
The meeting of the organizing committee dedicated to the Forum’s preparation and holding took place at the Government House chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova.
Vladimir Kekhman was appointed the Director of the St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum
Successful preparation for the Cultural Forum that will take place in St. Petersburg for the first time since 2019 will be the main task of the new leader.