Modern Museum Technologies - Programme - St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum

Modern Museum Technologies

11:00 — 13:00
Manege Central Exhibition Hall 1 St. Isaac's sq., St. Petersburg

Museums today are not only custodians of history and culture but also platforms for new discoveries and audience engagement. The modern museum sector lies at the intersection of traditional exhibition design methods and new technologies that open up limitless possibilities for information transmission: virtual tours, interactive exhibitions, and augmented reality—all designed to make museums more accessible and engaging.

However, a question arises: do these technologies strip museums of their soul? Are we becoming hostages of the digital world, detached from real contact with art objects?

Directors of Russian museums and leading industry experts will discuss how to balance making museum exhibits exciting and accessible without sacrificing the value and authenticity of cultural heritage.

Moderator: Anna Yalova, Director of St. Petersburg State Budgetary Cultural Institution "Central Exhibition Hall Manege".


1. Roza Sadykhova, Head of the Exposition Department, St. Petersburg State Museum of Theatre and Music;
2. Anton Okoneshnikov, Director of the Russian National Dramatic Theater (Alexandrinsky Theater), Director of the exhibition "Hero City Leningrad";
3. Roman Zhukarin, General Director of the State Budgetary Cultural Institution of Nizhny Novgorod Region "Nizhny Novgorod State Art Museum";
4. Anastasia Kurekhina, Artistic Director of the St. Petersburg State Cultural Institution "Sergey Kuryokhin Contemporary Art Center";
5. Dmitry Poshtarenko, Head of the Creative Workshop "Nevsky Batalist," Laureate of the President of the Russian Federation's Award in Literature and Art.