Current Issues in Preserving Cultural Heritage in the Activities of Children's Art Schools - Programme - St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum
Round Table Discussion

Current Issues in Preserving Cultural Heritage in the Activities of Children's Art Schools

10:00 — 17:00
Boris Eifman Dance Academy 14B Bolshaya Pushkarskaya st., St. Petersburg

As part of the X St. Petersburg International United Cultures Forum, an All-Russian round table will be held on September 12-14, 2024—"Current Issues in Preserving Cultural Heritage in the Activities of Children's Art Schools."

The goal of the Round Table is to create an open professional platform for discussing current issues of the activities of children's art schools in preserving and developing the best traditions of Russian art education and culture.

The Round Table will include a plenary session, section work, master classes, experience exchange, teleconferences, the establishment of new professional contacts, a decorative and applied creativity exhibition, and a concert by ensembles and solo performers on folk instruments from children's music schools in St. Petersburg. Remote participation will be available.

Moderator: Alla Nikitina, Director of St. Petersburg State Budgetary Educational Institution "St. Petersburg Children's School of Arts named after M. I. Glinka."


1. Natalya Kozyreva, Head of the Education Sector in the Sphere of Culture, Committee for Culture of St. Petersburg;
2. Irina Domogatskaya, Head of the Competence Center of the State Music and Pedagogical Institute named after M. M. Ippolitov-Ivanov;
3. Marina Konovalova, Head of the Branch "Educational and Methodical Association for Art Education," State Budgetary Cultural Institution of Leningrad Region "House of Folk Art";
4. Natalia Klescheva, Director of the Sverdlovsk Regional Resource Center for Culture and Art Education;
5. Aylanmaa Kan-ool, Director of the "Kyzyl College of Arts named after A.B. Chyrgal-Ool" in the Republic of Tuva.