Creative Industries in Culture - Programme - St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum
Panel Discussion

Creative Industries in Culture

15:00 — 16:30
Catherine’s Assembly Griboedov Channel Emb., 88-90, St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg is a driver of creative industries' development, and its experience of interaction with regions has become an excellent platform for holding professional expert events. The panel discussion will focus on developing creative industries in the Russian Federation. Questions regarding support systems for cultural projects in creative industries (best practices) will also be considered.

Olga Khomova, General Director of the St. Petersburg Capella;
Ekaterina Artyushkina, General Director of the Saint Petersburg State Budgetary Institution of Culture "Petersburg Concert".


1. Andrey Ermak, Minister of Culture and Tourism of the Kaliningrad Region;
2. Yulia Strizhak, Director of the St. Petersburg State Musical Theatre, named after F. I. Shalyapin;
3. Svetlana Borukha, Director of the Belgorod State Philharmonic;
4. Nana Gvichiya, Acting Chairman of the Committee for Tourism Development of St. Petersburg;
5. Ekaterina Cherkes-Zade, Director of the Center for Creative Economy Development, Agency for Strategic Initiatives for New Projects (ASI);
6. Alexander Osipov, Head of the Public and Business Space SENO;
7. Tatyana Maksutenko, Marketing Director of the Brusnitsyn Cultural Quarter;
8. Borislav Volodin, Director of the ArtMasters National Open Championship of Creative Competencies.