St. Petersburg International United Cultures Forum

Elena Babenko

Director, A. V. Suvorov Kobrin Military History Museum.
Republic of Belarus
Born on February 7, 1967, in Kobrin (Brest Region, BSSR). She graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics (1990) and the Belarusian Institute of Cultural Problems (1998). Since 1991, she has been working at the A. V. Suvorov Kobrin Military History Museum; since 2004 — as the museum's director. Elena is the author of a number of publications on the history and culture of the Kobrin Region.

Since 2005, she has been a participant and organizer of scientific conferences on Suvorov topics and historical local lore (the Suvorov Readings and Martynov Readings conferences).