Scaling Up the Art of Theatre: from the chamber boards to an audience of millions - Programme - St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum
Panel Discussion

Scaling Up the Art of Theatre: from the chamber boards to an audience of millions

18:00 — 19:00
General Staff Building, Green Hall 6/8 Palace sq., St. Petersburg

The performing arts are among the most powerful means of communication, storytelling, expression of emotions and ideas. Today, with the development of technologies and changing lifestyles, theatres encounter new challenges and opportunities in expanding their audiences. Leading theatremakers, stage directors and actors are going to muse about various scaling strategies, how theaters are increasing their impact and reach, and how they are engaging audiences in new digital and global contexts.


  • Viktor Minkov, Director and Art Director of the Comedian's Shelter Theatre (Russia);
  • Kirill Krok, Director of the Evgeniy Vakhtangov State Academic Theatre (Russia);
  • Alexey Frandetti, Russian stage and film director, repeated winner of the Golden Mask Award (Russia);
  • Kristina Trubinova, Director General, State Central Theatre Museum named after A. A. Bakhrushin (Russia).

Moderator: Alexandra Zvezdina, head of coordinating communities in the area of culture and arts.