St. Petersburg! Life in the City... - Cultural Programme - St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum

St. Petersburg! Life in the City...

The Levashovsky Bakery Factory 4A Barochnaya Street

The international multimedia exhibition "St. Petersburg! Life in the City..." is part of a large international project created in 2024 following the XVIII Media Forum "Dialogue of Cultures" by young filmmakers, photographers, and bloggers from Russia, Argentina, Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Egypt, Spain, Italy, China, Mexico, Poland, Serbia, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey, and France. It presents their positive view on life in the city, a visual story about key figures in Saint Petersburg, and the younger generation who see their future here. The exhibition, featuring more than 150 photographs, is unique not only for the vast geography of its authors, each capturing the city and its residents in their own photographic style, but also for its multimedia nature. The exhibition, which opens on September 11, 2024, at the Levashovsky Bread Factory, will have a unique QR code assigned to each stand. This allows for a self-sufficient digital work about each character, including additional text, audio, photo materials, and concise videos with complete dramaturgy prepared by the international project team.