Concert dedicated to the 220th anniversary of M.I. Glinka - Cultural Programme - St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum

Concert dedicated to the 220th anniversary of M.I. Glinka

19:00 — 20:30
St. Petersburg State Academic Capella 20 Moyka River emb., St. Petersburg

The concert of the Choir and Symphony Orchestra of the Capella on September 11 will be dedicated to the 220th anniversary of Mikhail Glinka's birth. The evening will feature the following performances: the overture to the opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila," the overture "Polish Act," and the chorus "Glory" from the opera "Ivan Susanin." Glinka's symphonic works will be represented by his overtures "Kamarinskaya," "Aragonese Jota," and "Memories of a Summer Night in Madrid." The concert program will also include "Waltz-Fantasy" and a brilliant divertissement on themes from Bellini's opera "La Sonnambula." It will be conducted by Ivan Stolbov.

Mikhail Glinka was the founder of Russian classical music and the creator of the Russian national opera. He was the first Russian composer to gain worldwide recognition. Glinka headed the Court Singing Chapel for three years. He was appointed Kapellmeister on January 1, 1837, on the initiative of Nicholas I. Being an outstanding connoisseur of vocal art, Glinka quickly achieved high results in developing the Chapel's performance skills. He paid great attention to the choristers' selection, training, and musical education.

Concert duration: 1.5 hours.