Exhibition of the Grekov Military Artists Studio "Breathing Love for the Motherland..." - Cultural Programme - St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum

Exhibition of the Grekov Military Artists Studio "Breathing Love for the Motherland..."

St. Petersburg State Academic Capella 20 Moyka River emb., St. Petersburg

The M.B. Grekov Military Artists Studio's exhibition, "Breathing Love for the Motherland..." is a unique collection of artworks dedicated to Russia's nature and cultural heritage.

The exhibition features works by masters of painting from the Grekov Military Artists Studio, including O.A. Avakimyan, D.A. Ananyev, D.A. Belyukin, V.V. Kuraksa, P.V. Mineeva, Yu.A. Orlov, M.A. Poletaev, and V.B. Tautiev.

For the past 90 years, the Grekov of Military Art has primarily been creating artistic works, exhibitions, and educational activities in military-patriotic and aesthetic education.

Images highlighting the beauty and wealth of our homeland, its defenders, and the memory of people and deeds that made our country great are all reflected in the works of the Grekov Studio artists and resonate in the hearts of grateful viewers!